
Betrayal Giveaway Results


If you haven't read Broken yet... possible spoilers below... you've been warned. :) I promised I would reveal the results to the giveaway / contest I inserted into the end of Betrayal after Broken had been out for a little while. It's been about six weeks now, so I figured it would be a good time to show the results.

The question was: If Landon were trapped on a deserted island, who would you want him to be trapped with, and why?

The results were in some cases surprising, and the responses as to 'why' insightful and entertaining. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Character Votes
Charis 142
Rebecca 71
Izak 42
Ulnyx 22
Josette 9
Obi 6
Sarah 4
Thomas 1

I had a feeling that Charis would get the most votes, but I didn't expect that she would double her next closest competition. I was also a little surprised that Izak had such a good showing, but how can you go wrong with having such a bad-ass at your side? It also doesn't hurt that there's something intriguing about the fact that he can't speak.

Special thanks to the one person who showed Thomas some love.

Here is a sampling of some of my favorite responses for 'why':

  • Ulnyx: It would be interesting to see if they try to kill each other or work together to escape
  • Charis: she would keep things entertaining. rebecca is psycho, josette too good and sarah be too emotional.
  • Josette: Seems to be the most interesting of the women, Izak would be the most interesting male but what fun is being stuck on an island with a guy
  • Izak: izak can turn into a naked survivalist out of nowhere funny and uncomfortable
  • Rebecca: I feel that it would help him resolve his issues for letting her die and it would also be a head trip to see how that would affect him
  • Obi: Good stories take characters with weaknesses (Obi is not a Divine) and put them in crazy situations where they grow and or are creative in their solutions. Landon needs someone without years of knowledge or divine abilities.


Thanks again to everyone who took part. If you read Broken, I hope you enjoyed it! Keep an eye out for Bound, coming early 2014.


Broken Countdown... T-Minus One Week...

Broken is finished, and ready to go. I intend to hit the 'Publish' button on Friday night, so those of you who like to check early and often might catch it up there before I do :). I'll release the results of the poll from Betrayal about two weeks after that. I haven't released them yet because I didn't want to give away any of the plot before anybody got to read the book. That being said, I DID make use of the feedback I received, so thank you to everyone who participated.

While I'm talking about Broken, I should mention Book 4. I've already written 20,000 words, and I've been keeping a pretty strong pace. The goal is to get it out in January, but if I keep up my current torrent, it will probably come sooner than that.

What's after Book 4, you might ask?

Book 5, of course ;)

I'm also considering a spin-off novel that will follow one of the other characters through an adventure or two. The more doors that I open, the more doors that appear.