M.R. Forbes: Sci-fi/Fantasy Author. Nerd.

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His Cure For Magic, and Other News

His Cure For Magicis now available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1gZI7dO

Coming soon to: Nook, iBooks, Kobo, and Google Play

If you've read the first book in the Tears of Blood series, you won't want to miss this one. Beta readers have already dubbed it 'better than the first'.

If you haven't, you can get it on any of the major ebook stores RIGHT NOW! Just head to the store of your choice and search on 'His Dark Empire' :D

Divine Series Update

Since I first published Balance in January of last year, it has been exclusive to Amazon. That is about to change, and all of the Divine novels will be available across all of the major e-book retailers by the beginning of June. If you have any friends who might like the Divine series, but are on a different platform, don't be shy about talking up how awesome the books are (I'm assuming you think they're awesome, since you signed up for the mailing list) :D

The other major news is that the Divine series is coming to audio!

I've entered into agreements to have all four of the existing Divine novels narrated and produced through Audible, with Balance arriving both there, on Amazon, and on iTunes within the next few weeks. I think Audible provides a few free promo codes, so please e-mail me if you're interested in getting a free copy. Depending on response I'll pick a few names at random. The narrator, Jeff Hays, is doing a fantastic job with the material, and it's a fun next step in the evolution of the story.

Divine #5

Speaking of evolution, that's going to be the title of the next installment of the Divine series. So far, you've seen Landon fight a lot of demons and the Beast, but in Evolution he'll be forced to start looking at life from the other side of the fence, as the balance begins falling towards good. You'll see a few old characters making appearances, as well as some new ones joining the fight. As for release date - I'm thinking sometime around the Holidays. I know it's a ways off, but I have another cool project in the works that I hope you'll enjoy.